Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 13

Its been 13 days since i last posted. Yet, everyday i write. What can begin great, good intentions and all, can get way laid. My heart was to journal each day on this journey of health, (here) but one can clearly see i've taken no refuge here.

W/the boot camp i am in they have their own posting pages, and just trying to keep up w/that has been 'work' and have i mentioned working out is 'work', ouch it surely is. But all is good; i'd rather have sore muscles, working them, rather then not working them. So, yes pain is involved when getting "FIT" as B calls it...

I jogged a mile in 14 minutes, did have to quickly walk some of it. Imagine how happy i was to jog most of it, even though it may have been at a slow pace i still made a mile in 14 minutes! i was pumped!

This was so encouraging to me. B/C once i did start working out i realized how out of shape i was. And having to face this truth, this reality of what the scale was saying i weighed, i had to admit to myself: "Geesh,,, o my.... it is time to get real, real fast; REALITY does indeed bite..."

So here's a run down, my true confession:

Day  1  ~10/13 worked out 60 minutes
Day  2 ~10/14 worked out 15 minutes
Day  3 ~10/15 worked out 60 minutes
Day  4 ~10/16 rested
Day  5 ~10/17 worked out 60 minutes
Day  6 ~10/18 rested
Day  7 ~10/19 worked out @ home floor exercisies (30 each)
Day  8 ~10/20 walked/jogged a mile
Day  9 ~10/21 100's & hip lifts
Day 10~10/22 worked out 60 minutes
Day 11~10/23 rested
Day 12~10/24 Sabbath Rest

First week trying to keep up w/water intake, taking vitamins & a food diary seemed way too much. Second week i did do better w/charting all the above. For me i usually start off so great and by the end of this past week like friday/saturday i charted nothing & did nothing but hang out w/family, doing the necessary things needing done @ the house, cooking, laundry...We did manage to build a storage unit on J's day off, and that was cool working together & seeing a finished project, and on tuesday the blessed palm tree got planted, yea!

So, it is sunday and J's off to work B is texting, not wanting to go to work any earlier then possible. On my journal pages for the boot camp my page ask's me 3 things everyday:
1.) My stress level
2.) My energy level
3.) My motivation level

On a scale from 1-10: 1 being low, 10 being high...

So today i am going to answer this here:

#1 stress a (3) the stress i am feeling is not being up doing what i know i must do, b/c there's lots to do. Spiritually, i am sensing again, as always the need for more time w/Father in prayer and fasting...i have some stressing things on my heart, and i know if i go to prayer, to Papa i will be less stressed....

#2 energy a (3) here again my energy is low and i want to blame this on not properly eating, and or not eating the right things like; healthy food...old habits are difficult to break, thus the need i am sensing to fast to clean things out of my system, and for more power to overcome bad eating habits over a lifetime; from lack of discipline, etc...which contributes to the stress...

#3 motivation a (3) also low. Work = work no way getting around this...i would just love to lay around reading, studying doing as little as possible...which also increases the stress b/c i am convicted this is certainly not good...also last week @ weigh in i had 'gained' .5 ounces which the scale read as a 1 pound gain, discouraging when i've worked so hard. Each day after that i got on the scale 1st thing, and the blessed scale began reading less and less, halleluyah right? Well, yes. Till this morning i do not want to say what it said this morning which indeed should be my motivation to get up, and get moving...i hate scales! i repent! i will learn to love scales b/c they tell me TRUTH.

SO, there you have it...a 12 day report...on my progress. i must keep going. Say a prayer for me that this week will be my best. Overall, i am happier b/c i am 'doing' something. i even took less sugar in my coffee this morning while i ate some lemon cake w/lemon icing, oops...


Monday, October 12, 2009

Its a New Day, a New Hour, Minute, Second!

O Yes it is a new day, a new moment, and Yahweh has heard the cry of my heart...O how i thank Him for hearing me, always showing me the way...spending time w/Him & w/those i love was exactly what i needed, and need...All His Love & Blessings are not to be taken for granted...after some reflection i find i am in a place of strong conviction, a real place where i can now recognize, take responsibility for myself, my choices, my 'sins' & repent!

My prayer for the next 40 days as i seek Him ever more intently is to be transformed more then ever from the inside I sat in the Sukka looking out, i was given a clear sweet view of what is ahead of me...i will follow Yeshua all the way, i will lay down my will, my life, my ways...i will!

This is my will to seek only His! 

So, for the next 40 days, i'll be here, here in this small room He's provided me, my prayer closet, join me here in prayer, as i seek HIM & repent for all i have done to deny Him, betray Him, myself & other's, for its time for the self will to go! "Self" anything is anti-Papa, its unloving, and my prayer is to be delivered from all my selfishness & childishness...

i am literally going into boot camp tomorrow! its time, its time, Now is the Time!
i want everything back the enemy has stolen from me & i am declaring war on selfishness; join me!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Awake Up its 2:27AM

What am I doing up? Why am I awake? Am I watching, waiting? Why can't I sleep? Questions w/no answers. No worries Mate. I am here now, and guess that's just 'what is'....The house is quiet except for the heat vents, and chimes ringing outside, its still pretty cold n windy out there...still some snow can be seen...

Loved the words HE gave me tonight...being still & quiet, listening to music, reaching out to my love ones w/youtubes, sending out my love LIGHT to them, praying they'll grab hold, to His hem...

Watched the "Passion" again, cried at different scenes...remembering His pain, His endurance, His love...O How I love You Yeshua!

Appetite is really down, this seems okay, am getting rest/sleep just waiting before Him, praying, listening...Its a 'special' time right is almost done, summer is coming, spring will be here any second. 

His words like a hammer & like silk against my skin, sometimes feeling like I am being turned inside out, cleaned, washed, bleached, again & again...wanting to be more and more silent yet everything in me is screaming for those asleep to awaken, live, breathe Him in.

Am I in the whirlwind? No not yet, but there are times when the winds kick up so high, and so bold I just stand still w/my arms lifted to the heavens to my Daddy strecthing, reaching for Him like a child. Music, worship, dance is w/i me it rises up to praise, to warn, to warfare...I must endure this race, the finish line is so close.

He is w/me, He will never leave me, He is the FIRE that burns w/i the roots Yeshua take everything out that is not of you, every lie, every deception, manipulation, every evil thread that wove its way...deliver me and heal me, for You are the only ONE who can FREE me...

Yeshua Your Body needs You more then ever, we are crying out to YOU, O Yeshua Come, Come quickly...but here I am I will remain true, I will stay right here & wait upon YOU....all night long, all day long, day after day, night after night, week after week, year after year, YESHUA I am here for YOU

Friday, December 8, 2006

Just Me

Greetings & Salutations to All Warriors Worldwide, To All Nations, how are ya'll doing today? Can you tell I am from the Southern part of the USA? Well, I am. I was born in New Orleans, home of the Nawlins, "Saints"... "Go Saints"...Mercy Hospital was where I first appeared, some years ago. I now live in beautiful Tennessee, in the "Heartland" right below Nashville. I have never blogged before @ least not online. So I'm a newborn with all this techno stuff. But I recently challenged myself to do 'new' things everyday I am given. so this is it today...So that's why you get to see my picture 3 times on this thing...I didn't know I was adding it that many times. O, well, live & learn, my favorite thing. Just wanted to say Hey to all you guys who love to worship the King of Kings. To those who know they are Chosen Ones...Later, D

Chosen One

Chosen One